The purpose of Questão de Igualdade is to design, promote, develop, coordinate and evaluate, individually or in partnership, nationally and internationally, activities, projects and initiatives that aim to respond in an efficient and innovative way to the challenges of contemporary society, in the social field , professional, economic and cultural development, promoting the quality of life of all citizens, promoting the values of citizenship and equality, in particular equality between women and men, through concerted development and innovation actions which ensure the participation, intervention and representation of all individuals, in order to promote the eradication of all forms of discrimination and the construction of a more egalitarian society.
Equality based on Article 13 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, paragraph 1 of which states that “All citizens have the same social dignity and are equal before the law”; and No. 2 that “No one may be privileged, benefited, prejudiced, deprived of any right or exempt from any duty by reason of descent, sex, race, language, territory of origin, religion, political or ideological beliefs, economic status, social status or sexual orientation, “the association guarantees equal access and treatment to all persons in the various services it provides;
Ethics Acting in accordance with the highest ethical principles and standards;
Rigor To guarantee the quality and rigor in the treatment of all the internal procedures of the association, in the several departments that constitute it;
Social Responsability To be constituted in all areas of activity as a socially responsible organization and to sensitize other entities to follow the same conduct;
Compromise With social development and innovation, combating social exclusion and all forms of discrimination, defending human rights and adapting to social changes to meet the needs and expectations of its target audiences;
Vision To establish itself as an entity of reference to its peers, providing a service of excellence in the activities it promotes, privileging the socio-professional insertion and the improvement of the quality of life of its target audiences.
The association is based on its intervention in the promotion of Human Rights and aims to design, promote, develop, coordinate and evaluate, individually or in partnership, at national and international level, activities, projects and initiatives that intend to respond in an efficient and innovative way to challenges of contemporary society, in the social, professional, economic and cultural aspects, promoting the quality of life of all citizens, promoting the values of citizenship and equality, and in particular, equality between women and men, through concerted actions of development and social innovation that ensure the participation, intervention and representation of all individuals, in order to promote the eradication of all forms of discrimination and the construction of a more egalitarian society.
To achieve this aim, the association proposes to:
a) Promote, at all levels, the Equality Principle, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of the European Union. Portuguese Republic, in particular with regard to equality between women and men, by developing mechanisms that contribute to their equal participation, intervention and representativeness in society;
b) To contribute to the elimination of all forms of discrimination, social exclusion and violence based on gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, education, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression;
c) Promote social intervention projects aimed at groups in situations of vulnerability and / or social exclusion, as well as ethnic, social or cultural minorities, especially in the fields of human rights, equal opportunities, gender equality, reconciliation of family / personal life and professional, gender violence, interculturality, citizenship, democratic participation, education and professional training, among others;
d) Provide support to vulnerable groups, including women in poverty, unemployment and / or victims of violence, children and young people at risk, seniors, migrants, ethnic minorities, homeless, among others, contributing to their inclusion in society ;
e) Establish specialized support structures and mechanisms for women and youth victims of violence;
f) To promote vocational training and socio-professional orientation of the groups described in the previous paragraphs, with a view to facilitating their insertion in social and professional life;
g) To expand the association’s activities through the creation of commercial activities, related in particular to the creative and craft industries, with a view to promoting the employability of the groups described in the previous paragraphs and simultaneously contributing to the sustainability of the association;
h) To elaborate manuals and references for information, awareness raising, training, intervention and evaluation that contribute to the implementation of effective measures to promote Human Rights and to prevent and combat all forms of discrimination, social exclusion and violence already mentioned, favoring their adequacy both to the different strategic actors in these areas, and to the public with whom they work, directly or indirectly;
i) To intervene in a school context, in order to promote awareness and training among students, teaching and non-teaching staff, parents, mothers and teachers in charge of the promotion of values related to a culture of equality, not -violence and non-discrimination;
j) Contribute to the development of public policies that promote equality and non-discrimination and to educate, raise awareness and raise awareness among society at large of issues of gender equality and gender violence, mobilizing it for its involvement in activities, projects and initiatives which aim to promote equality in its various aspects;
k) Organize diverse activities aimed at educating, sensitizing and raising awareness among citizens, especially young people, about their rights and duties, stimulating and promoting their civic participation;
l) Provide social consulting services to public, private or third sector entities, national or international, in the field of research, development and social innovation, as well as to incorporate the principle of gender equality in their institutional practices;
m) Elaborate and develop vocational training plans, funded or private, aimed at different target audiences and adapted to the training needs expressed by them;
n) To promote social volunteering, mobilizing and facilitating the involvement of people and entities that wish to contribute their work, their knowledge, skills and experience, to the development of the activities of the association;
o) Establish protocols and partnerships with public, private or third sector entities, national or international, namely municipal councils, parish councils, associations, federations, universities, institutes and / or polytechnics, companies and / or natural persons and participate in networks, Formal or informal Platforms and Working Groups, with a view to achieving the association’s statutory objectives;
p) Acquire, produce, divulge and sell in any type of support, materials with scientific, cultural, social, didactic, playful and / or informative content;
q) To raise funds and donations from people and institutions that wish to contribute to the achievement of the association’s objectives.